CPC Weekly Newsblast
December 26, 2024
402 N. College Street
Waxahachie, Texas 75165
Phone: (972) 937-2924
E-mail: cpcwax@gmail.com
Rev. Dr. Fred Thrower
Greetings, CPC Family and Friends!
Here are a few reminders for this week. |
“Dressing for the New Year”
Dr. Fred Thrower
First Sunday of Christmas
December 29, 2024
Please join us at 11:00 in the sanctuary
or virtually through our Facebook page. |
The flowers decorating the sanctuary last Sunday were given to the glory of God and in loving memory of
Sharon L. Johnson from her family.
If you'd like to provide flowers for Sunday worship, you may choose a date from the flower calendar that is on the wall in the North/ramp entry. You can provide flowers in honor, memory, or celebration of loved ones. What a great way to share! Please sign up and let Johnna know in the office.
Thank you!
We are ok this week with Sacks of Snacks for Marvin. Thank you for donating!
We need: milk, chcolate milk, protein, apple sauce/fruit cups, cheese crackers, breakfast bars, and chips.
Please put your "Sacks of Snacks" supplies in the former pastor’s office, a small room off the parlor on the post office side. There is a sign on the door and shelves have been put up to hold the supplies.
Priscilla Clore and Rene Craig ~
Sacks of Snacks for Marvin
The worship team is looking for individuals who would like to serve as greeters on Sunday morning at the
11 o’clock service. If you are interested in participating, please call Cheryl Arey or Cheryl Loper to volunteer.
Members and friends
of Central Presbyterian Church:
For those who need transportation to an appointment, grocery run, personal needs, etc., Johnna has a list of possible drivers, all from our church. Please call her at 972-937-2924 in the office so that she can schedule a driver for you. |
We're having coffee and fellowship in the parlor every Sunday morning from 10:30 to 10:50. Join us!
The Christian Education Team is asking for volunteers to help with Children's church during our worship time.
We need two people at each service, and if enough of us are willing to help, we would only miss our service occasionally. We are asking members, ladies and gentlemen, to prayerfully consider being a part of this important ministry. Please contact April Woods if you can help.
"Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me, for
such is the Kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:14.
Prayer Chain
Glinda Felty is the coordinator for the prayer chain email. This ministry is a true blessing to our congregation as the coordinator keeps the congregation informed of the prayer needs of our members and friends.
If anyone would like to receive the prayer chain email, please contact her at gfelty@sbcglobal.net or call her at 972-935-5597. Also, if anyone has a prayer request, please contact Mrs. Felty.
If you would like to be removed from all church emails and the monthly newsletter, please contact the church office at cpcwax@gmail.com |
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